Mass spectrometry based investigation of the oxidative stress as a potential key-player in the immunobiology of melanoma

PN-III-P1-1.1-PD- 2016-1528

Research team:

Dr. Cristian V.A. Munteanu - Project Director
Research Scientist in the Department of Bioinformatics and Structural Biochemistry in the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy (IBRA), Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Stefana M. Petrescu - Mentor
Head of the Department of Molecular Cell Biology in IBRA, Bucharest, Romania
IBRA Collaborators:

Dr. Gabriela N. Chiritoiu - Department of Molecular Cell Biology, IBRA, Bucharest Romania
UNIL Collaborators:

Professor Pedro Romero - Department of oncology UNIL CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Camilla Jandus-Marone - Translational Tumor Immunology Group University of Lausanne Switzerland